Plant Literature

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This medicinal plant is native to South Asia, and is commonly known as Vegetable Hummingbird, Hummingbird tree, Agathi, etc. In India, its leaves are known as Agathi Keerai (அகத்திக்கீரை in Tamil, Agase / Avise Thoppu in Kannada, Agasti in Hindi, and Avise in Telugu).

It is a fast-growing perennial tree, and can grow up to 20+ feet, and has a lifespan of 15 – 20 years. It thrives under full exposure to sun and high humidity. It is extremely sensitive to frost.

The leaves are edible and believed to have numerous medicinal properties. Due to its health benefits, it is mandatory among certain customs in India to eat this once a month (on the 12th moon) after fasting the previous day (11th moon).

According to the plant contains Vitamin C (16.22%), Vitamin B9 (5.00%), Iron (2.13%), Selenium (1.82%), Vitamin B1 (1.42%).

Growing Instructions:

Minimum Hardiness Zone: 10

Sunlight: Full Sun.

Humidity: Minimum 50% humidity, higher the better.

Soil: Can tolerate wide range of soils.

Water: Can tolerate tap water.

Further details can be found at:


Tulsi (also commonly referred as Tulasi) is probably the most commonly found houseplant in many parts of South Asia. It is widely considered to be sacred in India, and used during prayers. Its wide range of health benefits has been well documented in Ayurvedic practice, and has been used as a household medicinal herb for thousands of years, and the knowledge been passed down through many generations.​

Plant care: Tulsi is a easy to grow, low maintenance plant. It thrives in rich loamy soil with frequent watering/rain and strong sun. It can also be grown using supplemental lighting. Organic potting soil is recommended, especially if the plant is grown for medicinal reasons. While the plant can temporarily withstand standing water, it is recommended that the container has good drainage. Perlite may be added to the potting media to improve drainage. These plants love humidity; although they can survive on low humidity as well (they tend to shed leaves during dry weather and that is common). It can grow to between two feet and three feet. They are generally grown in containers, but they can also be grown directly in the ground (ph 6 to 7.5 is ideal). Pruning the seeds when they start to appear increases the longevity of the plant.

Winter care: The plants can remain outside as long as the weather is above 55 degrees. Any lower, move the plant indoors. Place near a bright sunny window (or under supplemental light) away from heater vents. Move the plant again outside once the weather gets warmer. Water if the top inch of soil is dry (or the leaves appear to be slightly wilted). Provide fertilization during warmer months.

Harvesting & storage: After the plant achieves 8 inches in height cut some leaves or a whole branch. Fresh leaves can be used on the same day they are harvested (recommended), or dried in shade and used later. Dry leaves thoroughly away from moisture until leaves becomes crispy when crushed. Store in air-tight container in a cool, dry place.

USDA Zone: zone 10 and above. Find your USDA Zone here.